Greetings from the cornfields! My name’s Nikki (she/her) and I’m a writer of short stories and novels, mostly in the genres of horror, mystery, and fantasy. Think Shirley Jackson or Ray Bradbury, not that I’m anywhere near as good; they just wrote the speculative fiction I crave and aspire to. Four of my stories are currently optioned for film, TV, and podcast projects, and I’ll be posting any progress on those from my Substack.
My official website is nicolinatorres.com.
I also want to mention that nothing I write has been touched by A.I. Nothing. And I do not give permission to any web crawler or A.I. platform to use my writing to train it’s technology.
I wrote and published horror movie reviews under the pseudonym Miss Wilkes for years. As for the films I prefer, I love gimmicky horror or 80s horror, the kind where teens are trapped and slaughtered in a ski lodge / high school / mall / gym / furniture store etc. I also like good-bad schlock, hidden treasures, classics. Basically, I’ll watch anything from Argento to Zaat.
My horror reviews will be posted under “Miss Wilkes Movie Reviews.” The rating scale is:
★★★★★ - “A Must-See”
★★★★☆ - “Worth the Watch”
★★★☆☆ - “Good for One Viewing”
★★☆☆☆ - “Don’t Bother”
★☆☆☆☆ - “Kill It with Fire”
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