Greetings from the cornfields! My name’s Nikki (she/her) and I’m a writer of short stories and novels, mostly in the genres of horror, mystery, and fantasy. Think Shirley Jackson or Ray Bradbury, not that I’m anywhere near as good; they just wrote the speculative fiction I crave and aspire to. Four of my stories are currently optioned for film, TV, and podcast projects, and I’ll be posting any progress on those from my Substack.

If you’re a $5 paying member, you will have access to the stories that will soon make it to the big screen or streamer. You can read them on the “Original Stories” page—there’s a freebie sample there right now. Anything else creepy or literary-related will be posted under “Books and Boos.” Generic posts will be under “Notes.”

I also want to mention that nothing I write has been touched by A.I. Nothing. And I do not give permission to any web crawler or A.I. platform to use my writing to train it’s technology.


I wrote and published horror movie reviews under the pseudonym Miss Wilkes for years because sometimes I have a Beavis and Butthead sense of humor. Most reviews are available once a week (or more) to $5 paying members, though four freebies were published in September.

As for the movies I prefer, I love gimmicky horror or 80s horror, the kind where teens are trapped and slaughtered in a ski lodge / high school / mall / gym / furniture store etc. I also like good-bad schlock, hidden treasures, classics. Basically, I’ll watch anything from Argento to Zaat.

My horror reviews will be posted under “Miss Wilkes Movie Reviews.” The rating scale is:

★★★★★ - “A Must-See”

★★★★☆ - “Worth the Watch”

★★★☆☆ - “Good for One Viewing”

★★☆☆☆ - “Don’t Bother”

★☆☆☆☆ - “Kill It with Fire”

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Subscribe to Books and Boos, with Nicolina Torres

A country mouse writing from the cornfields. Reviewer of scary movies and collector of books. My old boss once called me "deceptively smart." Original stories, a few soon to be at a theater near you.


Writer. Country mouse. Smells like old books.